1. Air Navigation Services
- Air Traffic Services
- Communications, Navigation & Surveillance (CNS)
- Obstacle Evaluation and Procedure Development (OEPD)
- Quality Assurance
- Aeronautical Information Services (AIS)
2. Regulatory Affairs
The Regulatory Affairs Department encompasses 2 main sections:
- Flight Safety
- Economic Regulation
a) Flight Safety
- Oversight for all 19 Annexes to the Chicago Convention
- Certification of all aviation services
- Licensing of industry personnel
- Accident/Incident investigation and prevention
b) Economic Regulation
- Issuing of licences and permits for scheduled and non-scheduled air operators
- Overseeing the implementation of airport service level standards
- Regulating airport charges
- Economic licensing of service providers
3. Corporate Services
- Human Resource
- Research, Planning & Risk Assessment
- Civil Aviation Authority Training Institute
- Information Technology
- Corporate Communications & Information Services
- Procurement
- Office Management
- Property Management
Director General’s Office
- Legal
- Finance